Saturday, August 29, 2009

on the porch

my girls, my favorite models! here's a little photo shoot from the other day, Zoe is only 7 months and already sooooo eager to get walking! hopefully it will be a little longer yet.....she's very different in front of a camera than Sasha the Extrovert. She really is a happy baby, I swear!

b & w's

a few high-contrast black-and-whites because i haven't done any for a while....none of these are what i would call perfect, but i do think each has its own charm :)

sad guy and mixing bowl

these two have nothing whatsoever to do with each other, just odds and ends. the sad guy is the last of my edits from the fair, took me a while to figure out how i wanted to capture that sadness.....i like how it turned out.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

things from our property

one of these was taken just the other day, lets see if you can guess which!

Monday, August 24, 2009

At the fair Pt. 2

as promised, more fair pictures...fanciful and vintage-inspired :)

At the fair Pt. 1

i'm calling this part 1 because i will probably have more coming in the next couple days from our trip to the fair....Sasha's first time on the rides, and it was pretty magical. this top one is maybe my favorite picture i've ever taken!

a spooky self-portrait and a not-self-portrait

all creatures great and small

living, dead, or extinct (or made of plastic)

how bout some color?

just when things were getting allllll monochromatic:

headlights and taillights

i think you can guess the theme here...

old places

these two were both taken around where we live....

leaf, branch, tree

here's 3 more, from the leaf to the branch to the whole tree. top one was taken in Eureka, MT, middle one in Hot Springs, MT and the last was taken in Maui.

blue skies...

Our internet was down all weekend :( but now it's back up and I have TONS of new pictures to share....most of these are old ones i've gone back and edited. I'll start with a set of landscapes cause they go together well. i'm usually terrible at landscapes, but i like these.

Friday, August 21, 2009


just wrapped up editing on this portrait of Rachel taken at her art opening.